Video Conference of Harikatha
Creado por juancas del 28 de Junio del 2012
----- Original Message -----From: PrahladSent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 10:47 AMSubject: [sreecgmath] Videoconf on 9 JanSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Video Conference of Harikatha on "Sanatan Dharma & Sri Vigraha Tattva" by Srila Gurudev on 9 Jan 2012. Webcast will begin at 7.00 PM IST on www.sreecgmath.org. Live English interpretation.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
The untired and Transcendental Gurudev will embark upon His third visit to Assam in the last 2 years on the 28th of this month. Srila Prabhupad had instructed our Most Revered Paramgurudev to preach in Assam and Srila Gurudev is continuing to fulfill His Gurudev's mission without any sign of fatigue even at this age. The tour details are as under.
Assam Tour 2012
28 Jan: Travel to Guwahati
30 Jan: Travel to Goalpara
31 Jan - 03 Feb: Stay in Goalpara to participate in the annual function
04 Feb: Travel to Guwahati
05 Feb - 07 Feb: Stay in Guwahati to participate in the annual function
08 Feb: Travel to Kolkata
Mayapur Parikaram 2012
This year Mayapur Parikrama is commencing from March 1. In order to set an example to all of us, this grand opportunity in this special Kaliyuga is not going to be missed by Srila Gurudev. The tentative date of departure of Srila Gurudev for Mayapur Dham Parikrama will be after February 25, 2012. The details of the Parikrama are given below:
1 Mar: Adhivas Kirtan
2 Mar: Circumambulation of Sri Antardvip
3 Mar: Circumambulation of Sri Simantadvip
4 Mar: Circumambulation of Sri Godrumdvip and Sri Madhyadvip
5 Mar: Disappearance of Sri Madhavendra Puri. No Parikrama.
6 Mar: Circumambulation of Sri Koladvip, Vidyanagar, Sri Ritudvip, Sri Jahnudvip and Sri Mododrumdvip
7 Mar: Circumambulation of Sri Rudradvip
8 Mar: Gaura Purnima, Appearance of Sriman Mahaprabhu
9 Mar: Sri Jagannath Misra Utsav
Sri Ram Navami & Srila Gurudev's appearance festival 2012
For every happening in this world there is a first time. And so also in the case of Sri Ram Navami 2012. The uniquness of this year's Ram Navami and Srila Gurudev's appearance anniversary festival is that it is going to be organized for the first time in the history of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math in Sreedham Mayapur.
Srila Gurudev is most likely to stay in Sreedham Mayapur after the Parikrama till the first week of April. During this time there will be initiation programs as well. Sri Ram Navami is going to be grandly organized in the Dham. The tentative program details are as below.
30 Mar: Inaugural program
31 Mar: Adhivas Kirtan
01 Apr: Sri Ramchandra Avirbhav Tithi puja, Vyas Puja of Srila Gurudev
02 Apr: Festival
Many devotees are expected to participate in the event. It is going to be really grand yet again. So it is better to be present than blaming the fate later.
After spending a month in Braj Mandal, Sriman Mahaprabhu is making arrangements for His Divine Grace's stay in Gaura Mandal, Sri Dham Mayapur for a month. How different will the pastimes of Gurudev in Gaura Mandal be from those in Braj Mandal is unknown. But what is know is gaura braja vane bheda na dekhibo hoibo brajavasi.
Please visit the Math Branches page (http://www.sreecgmath.org/scgmtimes/scgmbranches.php) and call the local Math in-charges for accommodation and any other facilities you need.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
The 5-day Annual Function of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, Kolkata came to a conclusion on Jan 10, 2012. Many devotees from West Bengal and Punjab witnessed the transcendence of the ambience in the divine presence of Srila Gurudev. Those transcendental memories are now available on internet. Quick links below:
Video - http://youtu.be/xj0ngqRHd0k
Harikatha Audio - http://www.sreecgmath.org/scgmtimes/scgmaudio.php?category=fullkatha&aid=101&mediaid=333
Pictures - Photo Album section of www.sreecgmath.org
Kirtans Audio - (1) http://www.sreecgmath.org/scgmtimes/scgmaudio.php?category=kirtan&aid=110&mediaid=330
Visit Kirtan section for 2 more new kirtan uploads.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Dandavat Pranams to Revered Vaishnavas.After a successful launch of live streaming recorded lectures of Srila Gurudev in November 2011 and a brief break, we shall resume this from tomorrow (15 Jan, Sunday) in the new year 2012. We are scheduled to leave for Assam on 28th of this month, which means we have 2 weekends before the next break occurs again.As per suggestion by few devotees, we plan to stream only one video per week, Hindi/Bengali and English on alternative weekends. The streaming will be every Sunday between 8.00 PM and 9.00 PM IST. Chat assistance for English translation will continue.
Hope to see your continued enthusiasm by your participation.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.Srila Gurudev today reached Goalpara Math from Guwahati at 3.00 PM. He is in good health. He will bless all of us with His Transcendental Harikatha at 5.00 PM tomorrow (31 January) on the occasion of the Math's annual function.Live webcast of the Harikatha and Kirtan will begin at 5.00 PM. Bangla-English translation live. Visit www.sreecgmath.org
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasRevered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
Srila Gurudev will visit Janmasthan Tirtheswar Mahadev (GOKUL) tomorrow where He will bless one and all with transcendental discourse. The program will be followed by Prasad distribution.
Webcast of Kirtans and Harikatha will begin at 11.15 AM on www.sreecgmath.org
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasRevered Vaishnavas,
Greetings from Guwahati.
Srila Gurudev along with His entourage arrived safely by 3.00 PM IST in Guwahati. Tomorrow, the 5th of February, is Sri Nityananda Trayodasi, Holy appearance of Lord Sri Nityananda. Lord Nityananda is well-known for His mercy on all the living beings, even merciful than Lord Sri Chaitanya. He had advented to give bliss to all the jivas who are suffering - ha ha prabhu nityananda premananda sukhi kripa avalaokana karo ami baro dukhi.
To give bliss to everyone, He has inspired us to webcast two videoconferences on His appearance day. With the inspiration of Sri Nityananda Prabhu and non-different Srila Gurudev tomorrow's videoconferences details are as below:
9.15 AM IST - Abhishek ceremony of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Nayananand Jiu on Their appearance day. Srila Gurudev will also take darsan of the Abhishek. Thus His darsan for the first time in the day.
7.45 PM IST - Harikatha by Srila Gurudev on "The purpose of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance" during the 2nd day of the Guwahati Math's annual function. Thus Srila Gurudev's second darsan for devotees on videoconference on the day.
Sri Nityananda Prabhu is Most Munificent is not an exaggeration.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Respected Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
Most Revered Srila Gurudev will take part in the Vyas Puja celebrations of Srila Prabhupad on His Holy Appearance Anniversary on February 12, 2012 (Sunday) in Kolkata Math. Thereafter His Divine Grace will speak Harikatha about the glories of Srila Prabhupad and shower His mercy on us. Live Webcast of this event will begin at 10.30 AM IST on www.sreecgmath.org
Join chat session for assistance during conference time.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Dandavat Pranams to Revered Vaishnavas,
On the holy auspicious Sri Trisparsha Mahadvadasi (Feb 18, 2012, Saturday) there will be video conference of darsan of Srila Gurudev distributing Prasad and exchanging loving words with devotees in Kolkata Math at 6.40 PM IST.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
On the holy 33rd disappearance anniversary of Srila Paramgurudev, and disappearance of Srila Rasikanadadev Goswami and Srila Jagannathdas Babaji Maharaj, Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, Kolkata organizes Viraha-Sabha (Separation ceremony to invoke blessings) at 10.00 AM on 22nd Feb, 2012 which include kirtans and Harikatha by Most Revered Srila Gurudev. Prasad distribution there after.
Webcast of the event will begin at 10.30 AM on www.sreecgmath.org on that day. Live Harikatha translation to English on a separate channel. Do not forget to join chat session for assistance.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
After completing a 40-day stay in Sridham Mayapur, His Divine Grace Srila Gurudev had put His holy foot prints in Kolkata today at around 8.30 PM IST amid enthusiastic devotees singing and dancing.
We feel extremely disappointed for not having webcast any events from Sridham Mayapur, owing to a very poor non-reliable internet connection. We know how eager you are to take darsan of Most Revered Srila Gurudev. By the blessings of Srila Gurudev and the inspiration of devotees, we are going to webcast darsan of Srila Gurudev from Kolkata Math at 7.00 PM IST on www.sreecgmath.org.
Hope to see you in tomorrow's videoconference.
Sri Guru Vaisnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
We are very pleased to announce that over the last few months a large number of devotees have subscribed to our Yahoo Groups. We extend a warm welcome to all the new comers. In this forum we communicate the tours, health and Harikatha videoconferences of Most Revered Srila Gurudev. Apart from these, the events at various branches are also announced at times.
For the benefit of all the new comers as well as for the welfare of the existing members, we plan to resume posting the transcendental teachings of Srila Gurudev, which are ever fresh and always enlightening, to the group members. Starting from tomorrow, we shall send 2-3 teaching messages per week.
We hope devotees will feel blissful and encouraged in their devotional practice by going through those teachings.
Sree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Humble aspirants.Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
This human birth is precious. More precious, almost unattainable I
should say, is the association of a bonafide sadhu. It is difficult to
get bonafide sadhus; bonafide sadhu not in words. A sadhu practically
performs bhajans, engaging all senses for the service of Radha
Krishna, Gauranga Mahaprabhu; every moment. He sets an example of
worshipping Supreme Lord. You rarely find. By getting this human
birth, getting this opportunity and coming in contact with sudha
bhakta, if you do not realize then you are most unfortunate. What do
we do? By coming in contact with sadhus, what we do? We go to the
sadhus, go to the temple for getting temporary material benefits. We
go to the sadhus to ask for a son, "You give me a son, a beautiful
wife, give me wealth, money." You will get it. Great sinners have got
money. Without committing sin nobody can get money. You go there. Why
you have come here to the sadhus to get temporary benefits? If they
are bonafide sadhus they cannot give you this. They cannot deceive.
They cannot give temporary things by which ultimately they will
repent. They cannot deceive the world. Sadhus cannot deceive. Go to
the sinners. They have the wealth and everything, why you have come to
the sadhus? A bonafide sadhu is seldom to be found and actually who
are speaking of Hari Katha, glories of the Supreme Lord, is seldom to
be found. Those who are not an example, those who themselves are not
performing bhajans, cannot speak about Krishna. Platform speakers
cannot speak about Krishna. Those who are business type, platform
speakers, professional, "You give me $500 I will speak." He is
speaking about money not about Krishna. If you speak about Krishna,
Krishna will protect you. If you have no belief what is the use of
performing bhajans? If you take shelter of a human being, serve him,
he will be forced to protect you; any human being. He may be a
mischievous person but if you go to his house without wanting anything
and you go on serving him, he will be forced to protect you. Supreme
Lord, Lord of all Lords, protecting and sustaining all, if you take
shelter He will protect you.
--- HDG Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams unto your feet.Srila Gurudev will be staying and taking rest in Kolkata Math for few weeks (at least) after back-to-back tours to Vrindavan and Hyderabad towards the end of the calender year 2011 and Chakdah, Assam and the recent Mayapur this year.Taking this opportunity, we are resuming our weekend webcasts of pre-recorded Harikathas of Srila Gurudev. On 16th of this month comes the disappearance of Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur. In this context, we will live stream Harikatha spoken by Him in New Delhi in 2007 on the same tithi.Webcast Details: Harikatha at 7.30 PM on 15 April 2012 on www.sreecgmath.org
Join our chat section for text translation into English.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, in his first sloka, is glorifying the chanting of Sri Krishna. Sri means beauty, beauty of Krishna. What is beauty of Krishna? Beauty is the potency. Attribute. Attribute of a thing is the beauty of that thing. That attribute in concrete form is called Radhika. So, Sri Krishna means Radha-Krishna. You are to chant the holy names of Radha-Krishna. He (Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) is glorifying the chanting of Radha-Krishna. By chanting Radha-Krishna, you can get seven fold attainments - all kinds of attainments. First attainment is, "Ceto dharpana marjanam". When can you perform sankirtan? Perform sankirtan means? If you perform chanting of the holy names, forms, attributes, pastimes, entourage - one meaning. Another meaning - without ten fold offenses and the third meaning - chanting the holy name loudly, collectively in the association of Sudha bhaktas - is also called Sankirtan. These three meanings you find in the explanation of our Param Gurudev. When we are entrapped we wrongly think that we are this body. You are to perform Harinam Sankirtan. Rainfall of Harinam. If there is incessant rain of Harinam then the fire will be extinguished. When there are no desires, there are no afflictions - second attainment. Only Nam sankirtan. You are not to do any other thing. And the third attainment -all afflictions will go and all welfare will come. "sreyah kairava candrika vitaranam". We will have moonlight. Lotus blossoms by the moonlight. Moonlight has got some calmness. Soothing. Moonlight is not like the light of the sun; scorching sun. Moonlight is calm, soothing, and pleasant. That pleasantness will come. All unpleasantness will go. All afflictions will go and you will get eternal welfare. All kinds of welfare will come. When light comes all darkness will go. Problems created by darkness will automatically go. Krishna's name and form is one and the same thing. When Krishna appears light will come. So ignorance will go. With ignorance, nescience all the problems created by nescience will also go. All welfare. It will be like the lotus blossomed by the moonlight. Pleasantness will follow. Calmness of the mind will come. All kinds of welfare will come. And the fourth attainment, "vidyavadhu jivanam". `Vidya!' There are two kinds of learning - material knowledge and spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge means knowledge of the Supreme realty, Supreme Being, knowledge of my own self, knowledge of the ultimate realty, knowledge of the world, and what is the relation between them. Actual relation, actual knowledge, will be manifested, revealed by performing Hari Nam Sankirtan. If you do not perform Harinam Sankritan but only hear, you will have no feeling of this. If you perform Harinam Sankirtan, this sort of achievements, attainments will come. You will know `I am the part of the potency of Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. This body belongs to Sri Krishna. I shall serve with my body to Sri Krishna. My astral body, subtle body belongs to Sri Krishna. My real self, atma, is originating from the para potency of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. He is the possessor of the para and apara potencies. He is the eternal master and I am the eternal servant'. With that relation when you perform Harinam, with great eagerness and love, you will drown in the ocean of ambrosia, ocean of nectar. Not this mundane ambrosia, transcendental ambrosia. Ecstatic feeling. You will drown in the ocean. "pratipadam purnamrta asvadanam" - in every state you will have the complete relishment of the complete, absolute bliss and you will have no end. " pratipadam purnamrta asvadanam", in every state. One thing you have to understand. Here in this world, in your house, you remain for sometime. It will become monotonous, boring. You may change from one place to another. For some days you may get some satisfaction. After that it will become monotonous. But, Krishna's name, attributes and such if you utter… Narada Goswami is uttering the name of the Krishna. Rupa Goswami writes "Narada Goswami is performing Hari Nam, Krishna Nam. At every stage he is having the taste of full, complete rasa. It will not end. `I have tasted Sri Krishna. I don't have to perform Harinam.' No! At every stage you will have the taste of absolute bliss. Nobody can end it. Even Anantha Bhagavan is uttering Krishna Nam up till now and getting unlimited taste. He is still doing. "pratipadam purnamrta asvadanam, sarvatma snapanam" - and this body, mind, and atama all will be sanctified. Everything you can get. But it is difficult for us to perform Hari Nam Sankirtan.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
What benefit we shall derive by coming to the temple and hearing glories of Supreme Lord from the lips of the devotees? Wherever we see the benefits we will attend it. Nobody is to be taught to earn money. Everybody understands money is necessary. They are earning money day and night; whether in Singapore or America. They know that without money they cannot move. This is our necessity. Nobody is to be taught about this. Like that, when you understand to perform worship of Sri Krishna then you will give time to attend. This human birth is very precious, most valuable. After passing through cycles of births, different species, aquatic animals, trees, insects, after passing through 80 lacks of species, you get human birth. Human birth is very valuable. You can perform worship of Sri Krishna only in human birth. Even birth of demigods is not congenial for Harinam. No other creatures can perform Harinam. You can accept the supreme realty. You can perform bhajans. You can worship Sri Krish na. You have got this human birth, you should utilize this. How you can know about Krishna, RamChandra? How you can know? You can know only through the ears not through the eyes. You can see the real form of sadhus through the ears. You can see the real form, aspect of Krishna and Ram through the ears. But we have got no time to give the ears. Parikshit Maharaj heard from Sukadev Goswami continuously for seven days without taking any food, without sleeping, without taking water. Then he could get the ultimate end of life. But we have no time to hear. How can we get it? Even if you want to get material knowledge, you have to go to the masters, teachers. You have to hear them to get the material knowledge. For transcendental knowledge there is no other way except this ear. Our Param gurudev, Saraswathi Thakur, used to say "Transcendental realty can only be known through the ears. There is no other way." You got this precious human birth but it will not last long. You got this opportunity, any moment you may lose, you may lose this opportunity. King Bharat relinquishing worldly life, went to the forest for worshipping Sri Krishna uninterruptedly. By chance he had affection for a deer. In that forest maya entered and he was thinking of the deer. At the time of death he was thinking who will maintain the deer, who will take care of the deer. Next birth he became a deer. anta-kale ca mam eva smaran muktva kalevaram. At the time of death whatever you think you will take birth accordingly. Great severe austerities he performed, king Bharat. But at the time of death he was thinking of the deer.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
Srila Gurudev's darsan will be webcast from Kolkata at 7.00 PM IST today (17 April 2012) on the auspicious Sri Varuthini Ekadasi.
Visit: www.sreecgmath.org
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
The moment we shall submit to Sri Krishna unconditionally, our all ills and sufferings will go. A surrendered soul has got no separate desire of his own. He is happy in whatever circumstances he is put to by the will of His beloved Supreme Master.
Sharangati is of sixfold. We are to Practice it :
1. We are to accept all that is congenial for pure devotion.
2. Give up all that is not congenial.
3. Should have firm faith that Sri Krishna will protect us under all circumstances --- from outside foes and inside foes (Passions).
4. He is the only Sustainer and Maintainer of our real and apparent selves.
5. We all belong to Him i.e., we are of Him (Atmanivendan).
6. We should give up all material egos --- should think we are spiritual spark -- minutest part of the marginal potency (tatastha Shakti)of supreme Lord Sri Krishna, i.e. we should be humble than the blade of grass.A completely surrendered soul has no cause of being worried under any circumstances, under any pressure in this most transitory world. Supreme Lord Sri Krishna protects and sustains always a bonafide surrendered soul. According to our Karma we get congenial and uncongenial environments. Nobody is to be blamed for this.--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Dandavat Pranams to revered Vaishnavas,Hare Krishna."Ohe bhakta-gan suno bhalo katha ullasita habe hiya" -- Dear devotees I have brought a good news for all of you, listening to which your heart will become extremely blissful.Most Revered Gurudev, seeing the pitiful condition of all of us, will deliver Divine Harikatha on the holy appearance day of Sri Gadadhar Pandit Goswami.Jai Gurudev!The list of upcoming videoconferences as under:
- 21 April 2012 (Saturday) at 7.45 PM - Transcendental Harikatha on the Holy appearance day of Sri Gadadhar Pandit.
- 22 April 2012 (Sunday) at 7.30 PM - Live Streaming of Pre-recording: Sri Rama Navami and Vyasa Puja Celebrations on 01 April 2012 in Sreedham Mayapur.
- 24 April 2012 (Tuesday) at 7.00 PM - Webcast of Transcencental Darsan of Sri Sri Radha Nayananath and Srila Gurudev on the auspicious Akshaya Tritiya and the starting day of 21-day Chandan Yatra Utsav.
All the timings are as per IST.Visit www.sreecgmath.org for more details.Please join chat for assistance during video conference.Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,Prahlad DasNote: A repost of today morning's email as few have not received that mail. Others may please ignore.
Dandavat Pranams to revered Vaishnavas,
Hare Krishna.Most Revered Gurudev will deliver Divine Harikatha on the holy appearance day of Sri Gadadhar Pandit Goswami.The list of upcoming videoconferences as under:21 April 2012 (Saturday) at 7.45 PM - Transcendental Harikatha on the Holy appearance day of Sri Gadadhar Pandit.22 April 2012 (Sunday) at 7.30 PM - Live Streaming of Pre-recording: Sri Rama Navami and Vyasa Puja Celebrations on 01 April 2012 in Sreedham Mayapur.24 April 2012 (Tuesday) at 7.00 PM - Webcast of Transcencental Darsan of Sri Sri Radha Nayananath and Srila Gurudev on the auspicious Akshaya Tritiya and the starting day of 21-day Chandan Yatra Utsav.
All the timings are as per IST.
Visit www.sreecgmath.org for more details.
Please join chat for assistance during video conference.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasDear devotees,
Dandavat Pranams.The much awaited Vyasa Puja video of this year's celebrations in Mayapur is now live on Youtube (http://youtu.be/p-unNrWX6j8).
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Generally when we write letters or articles we pray to the grace of Guru and Gauranga - Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayathau, all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, like that. But Srila Bhakti Siddantha Saraswathi Thakur Goswami, our Param Gurudev has written - Sri Krishna Kirtanaya Namah! Have you seen it? You have not seen it? At the beginning, `Sri Krishna Kirtanaya Namah!' How is it? Why is he bowing down to Sri Krishna Kirtan. You make obeisances to a person. Krishna Kirtan is sound - Sri Krishna Kirtanaya Namah? Sri Krishnaya Namah, Sri Ramaya Namah, Sri Narayanaya Namah - we can understand. Sri Krishna Kirtanaya Namah! What is this? We cannot understand. But he is teaching us that Sri Krishna Kirtan and Sri Krishna are identical. But we do not understand this - there is no difference between Sri Krishna Kirtan and Sri Krishna. If there is a difference then that is a material sound. In material sound, the object indicated by the sound and the sound are different. If we utter the name `water, water, water', it does not quench our thirst. `Water' sound, is not `water' thing. By the `water' sound we are targeting `water' thing. `Water' thing and `water' sound are different in material sound. If I utter the name `fire', the `fire' word does not burn my tongue. Fire! Fire! Fire! Difference. We are indicating the thing `fire' by the word `fire'. You may use any other words as per your convenience. But the name of Bhagavan and He Himself are identical. Nama Cintamani... In Bhakti-Rasmrita Sindhu you will find this verse quoted from Padma Purana. Nama Cintamani... The name is `Cintamani' - whatever you desire in the name you will get it. You desire mundane things, you will get it. You should not have mundane desires when you are performing Hari Nam. It is also one of the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in fourth verse of Sikshatakam: na dhanam na janam na sundarim, kavitam va jagadisa kamaya, mama janmani janmanisvare, bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is teaching us `What we have to desire from God.' If anybody has any motive in performing bhajans, he will get that. He will be deprived from the eternal welfare. You should not have this desire in your mind when performing Hari Nam. `I do not want wealth. I do not want manpower, increase members in the family. I do not want emancipation, salvation or worldly learning I do not want. Please give me one pointed exclusive devotion to Sri Krishna. I do not want any other…' - unalloyed devotion. This we should ask. Otherwise we will be deprived of eternal welfare. Ultimately we will be disappointed. While performing bhajans we have to be careful about this. The first attainment is - by performing Nama Sankirtan your mind will be cleansed. You are not to perform yogic meditation, not this. Only you should perform Nam Sankirtan in the company of bonafide sadhus, Sudha Bhaktas. You should perform Nama Sankirtan.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajRevered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.It brings us extreme happiness to inform you that we have posted a new audio on the web comprising the bhajan "Radha Kunda Tata Kunja Kutira" sung by Our Most Beloved Srila Gurudev yesterday (20 April 2012) in His Bhajan Kutir in Kolkata Math in a very intense mood. The audio is posted at www.sreecgmath.orgTaking few pictures from the previous year's Goverdhan stay of His Divine Grace, we have prepared a video with background audio by Srila Gurudev. Though our presentation is not perfect, the compiler of bhajan, the singer and the pictures of Whom we presented in the video are all Transcendental. Hence we are very sure that as per Sri Narada's words to Sri Vyasadev (Srimad Bhagavatm 1.5.11), all sincere devotees will surely relish this nectar. The video is posted at http://youtu.be/UmqlSeQsUFA
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
On the holy Akshay Tritiya, the 24th of this month, Our Most Revered Gurudev will speak Harikatha about the glories of Sri Chandan Yatra at 8.00 PM IST. Video Conference will start at 7.30 PM IST.
Please join chat assistance during video conference. Visit www.sreecgmath.org for more information.
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!The biggest point is - faith. With faith, man, woman, child all can get Bhagavan by calling out. Dhurva was having unflinching faith that Lord will definitely come. Due to faith he got the mercy of Supreme Lord Hari. By the loud calls, Lord's heart got melted. Dhurva was a child only. He did not know the sanskrit prayers. He only called for the Supreme Lord loudly. When Lord becomes pleased, unfavorable becomes favorable. Narada Muni himself came to meet Dhurva and told him the method of performing the austerities. After only 6 months of severe austerities, Dhruva saw the divine form of Supreme Lord Vishnu with conch, disc, club and lotus flower.If you want darkness, Light will not come; and if Light comes, how can darkness remain? The two cannot exist simultaneously.The eternal nature of the soul is causeless devotion to the Supreme Lord. No one can stop this.Saranagati is unending. The Qualities of Krishna are unending and will descend according to the degree of saranagati, both endless and infinite.Krishna is the nearest and the dearest. Whatever you are thinking in your mind Krishna sees first and only then can you see it. You can see nothing without His grace.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj__._,_.___
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
The living beings in this world have got actual and real relation with Supreme Lord Sree Krishna. Relations in this world are apparent. Conditioned souls of this world are passing through numerous births and deaths being enveloped by the illusory energy of Supreme Lord. The fruits of the actions of conditioned souls, which have started, will have their end, and then nobody can remain in this world. Sree Krishna says in the Gita - "The wise do not mourn for the going and coming of the conditioned souls". The only way of doing eternal benefit to other conditioned souls is to worship Sree Krishna with pure devotion. If God is satisfied, all will be satisfied.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
__._,_.___Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
The coming Sunday, the 29th day of this month, we will LIVE STREAM the recent glorification ceremony of our Most Revered and Beloved Srila Gurudev by Revered Vaishnava saints from various institutions held on 2nd April 2012 in Sreedham Mayapur in the context of Sri Vyasa Puja. Since the glorification ceremony lasted for about 3 hours, we'll stream it in two parts over the next two weekends.
Schedule: Sunday, 29 April @ 7.30 PM on www.sreecgmath.org
Subject: Glories of Srila Gurudev sung by Vaishnavas PART I
Join chat for English translation and any other assistance.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
According to Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Transcendental Divine Love is the strongest spiritual force on earth which can establish close relation of love and unity of hearts amongst all human beings and thereby establish real peace in the world. There is an outbreak of conflagration of group clashes throughout the world. Nowhere you will find peace. I am worried to read in newspapers the news of bomb explosions and disturbances. A section of people have become so violent and barbarous that they do not hesitate in committing heinous crimes in assassinating innocent persons to fulfill their political ends. All humanitarian considerations have been relinquished. They are now seeking justifications in committing such great sins. When there are different centers of interests, nobody can avoid clashing of individuals, groups, nations etc. As for example, if circles are drawn with different centers, circumferences will cross, but if there is one center of interest there may be smaller or bigger circles but there will be no crossing. According to Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu there should be knowledge of the real self, real interest and one center of interest.
Supreme Lord Sree Krishna who is 'Achyuta' can only be the common center of interest from whom all the spirit souls have emanated. If we pour water at the root of the tree, whole tree is nourished with all its parts, in like manner, by serving Krishna we serve all. Non-Violence is to refrain from doing injury to others - it is negative, but love is to do positive good to others. If anybody has got pure love to any person, he cannot have the impetus to inflict injuries to any part of the object of his love. If we get love for Krishna, we cannot have the impetus to inflict injuries to any of His parts emanating from His marginal potency. All Jivas are interrelated through their relation to Sree Krishna. Lord Krishna has said in the Bhagavat Gita (18.62) "O Scion of Bharata, Surrender unto Him utterly. By His Grace you will attain Transcendental peace and Supreme and eternal abode." Complete unconditional surrender to the Lotus Feet of Supreme Lord Sree Krishna can only bestow on us eternal peace. The moment we shall submit to Sree Krishna unconditionally, our all ills and sufferings will go. 'Sharanagati ' is the best medicine for cure of all afflictions and the solution of all problems. False egos create false interests and by that clashing of interests we see the forest fire in this world. Supreme Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said, if individual spirit souls can have the knowledge that they are interrelated with love relation, this forest fire of clashing of interests will stop. So Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said, Divine Love is the best and only solution of the disturbed situation of the world. That Divine Love (Prema-Bhakti) for the Supreme Lord can be cultivated by 'Nama-Sankirtan' -chanting of the Holy Name of Supreme Lord, viz. Krishna, Rama, Govinda, Madhava, etc. In the present age, 'Nama-Sankirtan' is the best medicine and effective way to achieve the summum bonum of human life as it can be performed under any sort of circumstances. Nama-Sankirtan is a universal religion under whose banner people of all sects and rank can unite. Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math institution is engaged in the propagation of the all-embracing doctrine of Transcendental Divine Love of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to counter the present trend of violence and cruelty and to bring unity of hearts amongst all irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
When a person sincerely performs Bhajan, he feels his drawbacks. Now when you are trying to perform Bhajan for GOD realization, you are facing so many hurdles on the way to reach the ultimate goal, so many drawbacks of which you had no feeling earlier. This is a long journey. You have only started Bhajan. Nothing can be achieved all of a sudden. It will take time. It depends upon the tenacity of purpose and wholehearted sincere endeavor.
As long as we cannot give up our material egos, it will not be possible to eradicate mundane vanities and drawbacks. Misconception of self is the root cause of self-arrandizment, deceitfulness and other drawback. It is not easy for an enslaved Jiva to give up mundane egos, so naturally it is very difficult to remove those shortcomings. By constant companion of bone fide Sadhus and by steadfast practice of different forms of devotion with submission to real sadhus, we can gradually remove our shortcoming. It will take time. It depends upon the intensity of Sadhan. Nothing could be achieved all of a sudden. This is also true when we actually perform Sadhan, we can realize our defects and drawbacks and we become humble.
We became more and more humble when we come in contact more and more with Sri Krishna Who is Absolute Good. This humbleness is not bad. When we come in touch with light, we can then realize that we were in darkness.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
Upcoming Videoconferences in this week.
02 May, 2012
7.00 pm to 7.45 pm [IST]Transcendental darsan of Srila Gurudev distributing Prasad to devotees in Kolkata Math on the auspicious Sri Mohini Ekadasi tithi.05 May, 20124.30 pm to 7.00 pm [IST]Videoconference of kirtans by devotees and Harikatha by Most Revered Srila Gurudev on the most auspicious appearance day of Sri Nrsmhadev Bhagavan, the destroyer of all evils and impediments in the path of pure devotion.Live English translation from Bangla. Join chat for assistance.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
The great Vaisnava saint, Vamsi dasa Babaji Maharaja, was no ordinary sadhu. Outwardly, he had his advent in what is now known as Bangladesh, in Majidpur Village, Maimansingh district, near Jamalpur. But later, he came to Navadvipa-dhama, accepted the babaji order and performed his bhajana under a tree. The order of sannyasa is given for preaching, but a babaji will perform bhajana in a holy, secluded place. A babaji will not go outside for pracara (preaching). Many people would come to Babaji Maharaja and offer to build him a cottage, but he chose to remain always beneath a banyan tree. He would not move from there. He was surcharged with krsna-prema. He was a very tall figure. He never shaved, but remained like a madman. Many people would offer him various things, but he would pay them no attention. Whatever he might receive, he would distribute to others. He was an anchorite. Nobody could understand his behavior. He had only two big cloth bags---he had no temple. In one cloth bag was Gaura-Nitai and, in the other, Radha-Krsna. Sometimes, he would take the Deities out and perform puja. So, is his bhakti less because he had just small Deities, and ours greater because we have a big temple? Gaura-Nityananda were most satisfied by his service. Our Parampujyapada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to bow down to him from a distance. He prohibited his disciples from visiting Babaji Maharaja. His disciples asked, "Shall we not have darsana of the sadhus?" But Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura replied, "You will not be able to understand his behavior and you will commit offenses. He is not within this world, but is moving in the transcendental realm. If I commit an offense, it will be anti-devotional. For this reason, I am bowing down to him from a distance. Only a suddha bhakta can understand his wonderful behavior. An ordinary novice of bhajana will be unable to understand, so he should not go there. Babaji Maharaja is always surcharged with krsna-prema!" There was a person from Navadvipa-dhama who used to come to Babaji Maharaja. One day, he thought, "I have the desire to obtain the Supreme Lord. How can I get Bhagavan?" He was only murmuring, speaking to himself, so Babaji Maharaja did not reply. This person came back repeatedly to see Babaji Maharaja. Finally, one day, he approached Maharaja directly. "What do you want?" Babaji Maharaja asked him. "I want to see Bhagavan," the man said. Babaji Maharaja replied with only one word: "Weep!" We might supply so much scriptural evidence to try to explain, in so many ways, how to obtain the Supreme Lord, but what did Vamsi dasa Babaji Maharaja say? "Weep for Him!" If you can weep for Him, then you can get Him. If there is want for Him, then He will come. We are uttering His Names, but we do not want Him. So, we are uttering the Names of Krsna---"hare krsna, hare krsna, krsna krsna, hare hare, krsna rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare"---and Krsna appears before us. He says to us, "Come along!" We say to Him, "No, I cannot go now. Right now I require a million dollars to save my business. I have my children. I have just bought a building. I cannot go now." "So, why have you called Me?" Krsna asks. "I have called you to give me a million dollars," we reply. "Remove my difficulties. I do not have time to go now." From where are we uttering the Name? Not from the heart! We are chanting, "Hare krsna" but, if Krsna were to come, we would be unable to go.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
On May 6, 2012 (Sunday) at 7.30 PM IST, there will be a live streaming of pre-recordings. The contents of the streaming are:
1. Lecture by Srila Gurudev on Sri Rama Navami spoken in Kolkata in 2004 (47 min)
2. Glorification of Srila Gurudev by Vaishnava saints in Mayapur on 02 April 2012 (36 min)
Sree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Prachar is not for Prachar's sake, it is not for mundane temporary benefits. Wherever we may go or stay by the will of Supreme Lord Sree Krishna, Who is All-Good, we should perform Bhajan (devotional practice), we should not forget the devotional purpose of our life. Everything will remain in this world, nothing will go with us. So, it will be unwise to sacrifice eternal benefit for the sake of mundane temporary benefits.
It will be wise to perform all forms of Bhajan including Kirtan for the propitiation of Sree Krishna and His devotees. Chanting of the glories of Sree Krishna- His Name, Form, Attributes and Pastimes is the best form of Bhakti. While performing Bhakti (Kirtan Bhakti), prachar will be automatic. There is no need of making separate endeavour for this.--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
It has been stated in authentic scriptures that without previous impressions of eternal good deeds, which you must have done knowingly or unknowingly, you cannot have such aptitude for worshipping Krishna with devotion. As such, inspite of your spiritual search in the teachings of other faiths, you are not satisfied. In fact, every living being has got natural love for Supreme Lord Sree Krishna in their real selves. Take instance of magnet and iron - magnet attracts iron and iron is attracted by magnet- this attraction is not seen when there is rust on the iron. If the dirt on the iron is removed, the iron will run towards the magnet. So Supreme Lord is Sree Krishna, Who attracts all and pleases all. Other animated beings are Kärsna, who are attracted by Him. When by misuse of relative independence, human beings became averse to Sree Krishna, they are enveloped by the illusory energy of Supreme Lord and they have got misidentification of self. Being victim to the illusory energy, they forget their eternal relation that they are eternal servants of Sree Krishna. They pass through cycles of births and deaths and ultimately are fortunate to get this human birth. God has given human beings the discriminating power to understand good and bad, eternal and non-eternal. The human beings have got the capacity to accept the Eternal Truth and give up non-eternal things. God is satisfied by creating human beings, who have got the capacity to worship Him. This precious human birth is only meant for worship of Supreme Lord. Love for Sree Krishna is inherent in every spirit soul. It is to be manifested by the company of bonafide devotees. It is stated in Chaitanya Charitamrita, 'Pure devotion for Krishna always exists in the real self; it is not to be acquired'. It is revealed only through hearing from a true devotee with sincere heart. An awakened soul can awaken other sleeping souls. When eternal causeless devotion of real self is awakened, nobody can stop the eagerness and perturbation of heart of that awakened soul. Supreme Lord Sree Krishna has said emphatically in the Gita - 'A sincere soul will never be deceived'. God is everywhere and His Grace Incarnate Vaishnavas are also everywhere. God is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. As He is Complete Reality, He is also impartial. Nobody can do anything without His knowledge.
It is necessary for the devotees to meet, at least once in a week, to practice principal devotional forms - 'Shravan' and 'Kirtan'.May All-Merciful Sree Guru and Gauranga bless you.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
It has been stated in authentic scriptures that without previous impressions of eternal good deeds, which you must have done knowingly or unknowingly, you cannot have such aptitude for worshipping Krishna with devotion. As such, inspite of your spiritual search in the teachings of other faiths, you are not satisfied. In fact, every living being has got natural love for Supreme Lord Sree Krishna in their real selves. Take instance of magnet and iron - magnet attracts iron and iron is attracted by magnet- this attraction is not seen when there is rust on the iron. If the dirt on the iron is removed, the iron will run towards the magnet. So Supreme Lord is Sree Krishna, Who attracts all and pleases all. Other animated beings are Kärsna, who are attracted by Him. When by misuse of relative independence, human beings became averse to Sree Krishna, they are enveloped by the illusory energy of Supreme Lord and they have got misidentification of self. Being victim to the illusory energy, they forget their eternal relation that they are eternal servants of Sree Krishna. They pass through cycles of births and deaths and ultimately are fortunate to get this human birth. God has given human beings the discriminating power to understand good and bad, eternal and non-eternal. The human beings have got the capacity to accept the Eternal Truth and give up non-eternal things. God is satisfied by creating human beings, who have got the capacity to worship Him. This precious human birth is only meant for worship of Supreme Lord. Love for Sree Krishna is inherent in every spirit soul. It is to be manifested by the company of bonafide devotees. It is stated in Chaitanya Charitamrita, 'Pure devotion for Krishna always exists in the real self; it is not to be acquired'. It is revealed only through hearing from a true devotee with sincere heart. An awakened soul can awaken other sleeping souls. When eternal causeless devotion of real self is awakened, nobody can stop the eagerness and perturbation of heart of that awakened soul. Supreme Lord Sree Krishna has said emphatically in the Gita - 'A sincere soul will never be deceived'. God is everywhere and His Grace Incarnate Vaishnavas are also everywhere. God is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. As He is Complete Reality, He is also impartial. Nobody can do anything without His knowledge.
It is necessary for the devotees to meet, at least once in a week, to practice principal devotional forms - 'Shravan' and 'Kirtan'.May All-Merciful Sree Guru and Gauranga bless you.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Every conditioned soul in this world has got defects as well as good qualities. Gurudeva's nectarine saying ---'Vilification or speaking ill of others is prohibited, because by that we pollute our minds. Vaisnavas never do anything out of grudge. They never like to go on speaking against any body to belittle him'. Whatever they do, they do it for the eternal benefit of others. Vaisnavas are 'Paramhansa'. As Hansa (Swan) has got the capacity to extract milk from the mixture of milk and water, vaisnavas always see the qualities in others and see defects in them. If we do not see our defects, we cannot rectify ourselves and we cannot have spiritual enhancement. When we have got any sort of obstinacy in our mind, we shall become unbalanced if there be anything against it and our purpose of life - to worship Sree Krishna, is lost. We should remember the ideal characters of Sree Prahlad Maharaj and Sree Ambarish Maharaj. Under all circumstances and severe oppressions, they are calm and serene.
If we see maladjustment, we shall be disturbed and we cannot concentrate on the object of worship and we forget everything, what for we have come to the Math. We are to adjust ourselves with the environment; we can never make the environment adjusted to us. Whatever we shall decide by our finite intellect will be wrong. 'Saranagati' is the best divine panacea of all diseases and problems.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Every conditioned soul in this world has got defects as well as good qualities. Gurudeva's nectarine saying ---'Vilification or speaking ill of others is prohibited, because by that we pollute our minds. Vaisnavas never do anything out of grudge. They never like to go on speaking against any body to belittle him'. Whatever they do, they do it for the eternal benefit of others. Vaisnavas are 'Paramhansa'. As Hansa (Swan) has got the capacity to extract milk from the mixture of milk and water, vaisnavas always see the qualities in others and see defects in them. If we do not see our defects, we cannot rectify ourselves and we cannot have spiritual enhancement. When we have got any sort of obstinacy in our mind, we shall become unbalanced if there be anything against it and our purpose of life - to worship Sree Krishna, is lost. We should remember the ideal characters of Sree Prahlad Maharaj and Sree Ambarish Maharaj. Under all circumstances and severe oppressions, they are calm and serene.If we see maladjustment, we shall be disturbed and we cannot concentrate on the object of worship and we forget everything, what for we have come to the Math. We are to adjust ourselves with the environment; we can never make the environment adjusted to us. Whatever we shall decide by our finite intellect will be wrong. 'Saranagati' is the best divine panacea of all diseases and problems.--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Everyconditioned soul in this world has got defects as well as good qualities.Gurudeva's nectarine saying ---'Vilification or speaking ill of others isprohibited, because by that we pollute our minds. Vaisnavas never do anythingout of grudge. They never like to go on speaking against any body to belittlehim'. Whatever they do, they do it for the eternal benefit of others. Vaisnavasare 'Paramhansa'. As Hansa (Swan) has got the capacity to extract milk from themixture of milk and water, vaisnavas always see the qualities in others and seedefects in them. If we do not see our defects, we cannot rectify ourselves andwe cannot have spiritual enhancement. When we have got any sort of obstinacy inour mind, we shall become unbalanced if there be anything against it and ourpurpose of life - to worship Sree Krishna, is lost. We should remember theideal characters of Sree Prahlad Maharaj and Sree Ambarish Maharaj. Under allcircumstances and severe oppressions, they are calm and serene.If we see maladjustment, we shall be disturbed and we cannot concentrate on theobject of worship and we forget everything, what for we have come to the Math.We are to adjust ourselves with the environment; we can never make theenvironment adjusted to us. Whatever we shall decide by our finite intellectwill be wrong. 'Saranagati' is the best divine panacea of all diseases andproblems.
---His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Everyconditioned soul in this world has got defects as well as good qualities.Gurudeva's nectarine saying ---'Vilification or speaking ill of others isprohibited, because by that we pollute our minds. Vaisnavas never do anythingout of grudge. They never like to go on speaking against any body to belittlehim'. Whatever they do, they do it for the eternal benefit of others. Vaisnavasare 'Paramhansa'. As Hansa (Swan) has got the capacity to extract milk from themixture of milk and water, vaisnavas always see the qualities in others and seedefects in them. If we do not see our defects, we cannot rectify ourselves andwe cannot have spiritual enhancement. When we have got any sort of obstinacy inour mind, we shall become unbalanced if there be anything against it and ourpurpose of life - to worship Sree Krishna, is lost. We should remember theideal characters of Sree Prahlad Maharaj and Sree Ambarish Maharaj. Under allcircumstances and severe oppressions, they are calm and serene.If we see maladjustment, we shall be disturbed and we cannot concentrate on theobject of worship and we forget everything, what for we have come to the Math.We are to adjust ourselves with the environment; we can never make theenvironment adjusted to us. Whatever we shall decide by our finite intellectwill be wrong. 'Saranagati' is the best divine panacea of all diseases andproblems.
---His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.On the 13th of May (Sunday), there will be live webcast of divine darsan of Srila Gurudev distributing Prasad to local devotees in Kolkata Math.
Time: 7.00 PM
Please visit: www.sreecgmath.org
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.On the 13th of May (Sunday), there will be live webcast of divine darsan of Srila Gurudev distributing Prasad to local devotees in Kolkata Math.
Time: 7.00 PM
Please visit: www.sreecgmath.org
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
It is not easy for an enslaved jiva to give up mundane egos, so naturally it is very difficult to remove those shortcomings. By constant company of bonafide sadhus and by steadfast practice of different forms of devotion with submission to real sadhus, we can gradually remove our shortcomings. It will take time. Nothing can be achieved all of a sudden. It depends on intensity of sadhana. This is also true when we actually perform sadhana, we can realize our defects and drawbacks and we become humble.We become more and more humble, when we come in contact more and more with Krishna, who is Absolute Good. This humbleness is not bad. When we come in touch with light, we can then realize that we were in darkness....
When a person sincerely performs Bhajan, he feels his drawbacks. Now when you are trying to perform Bhajan for God realization, you are facing so many hurdles on the way to reach the ultimate goal, so many drawbacks of which you had no feeling earlier. This is a long journey. You have only started bhajan. Nothing can be achieved all of a sudden. It will take time. It depends upon the tenacity of purpose and wholehearted sincere endeavor. We should not do anything emotionally.
The greatest impediment in Nam-Bhajan is vilification of sadhus. We should remember the teachings of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Those who are humbler than a blade of grass, more forbearing than a tree, giving due respects to all, but not desirous of getting respect from others, are eligible to perform Harinam Sankirtan. We should censure ourselves. We should not take the risk of censuring others.
Sri Narasingha Bhagawan removes our obstacles of Bhajan. It will be good for you to remember Him daily. You are to pray for the grace of Patitapavan Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Vaisnavas. They will show you the right path. We should always remember Narasingha Deva - morning, day time, evening and night.
Association of bonafide Sudha Bhaktas is essential for getting enhancement in spiritual life. It is better to go through Bhakta-Charitras - biographies of devotees in Srimad Bhagavatam, as we get impetus from Bhaktas how they attained God.
An enslaved jiva cannot rescue himself from the clutches of maya but his own capability, as long as he remains averse to Sri Krishna. Only a sincere, completely surrendered soul can rescue himself from the clutches of maya by the Grace of Sri Krishna and His Absolute counterpart Gurudeva. Saranagati is the Divine Panacea of all diseases. Invoking Sri Krishna from the core of heart is the best expression of Saranagati.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
This material world is full of problems. Nobody on earth can avoid them. There are ups and downs in this world. Supreme Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said - "This world is forest fire and doing the Holy Name - 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare // Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare' - Mahamantra, will extinguish the forest fire". The difference between a realised soul and conditioned soul in this world is that the realised soul, by the grace of Supreme Lord, has got the capacity to tolerate all afflictions and tribulations, but a conditioned soul cannot. A conditioned soul remaining in darkness cannot solve any problem. When light comes, problems created by darkness are automatically removed. Parampujyapad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj in one of his sermons said - "When one is enlightened by knowledge by which ignorance is destroyed, then this knowledge reveals everything as sun lights up everything at daytime". Supreme Lord, who is All-Bliss, is self-effulgent. He descends to a completely surrendered soul. As for instance, Prahlad Maharaj, who was apparently in the grief of extreme torture by his own father and was surrounded by hostile demons, was actually always in peace because of his total submission to Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, he never became unbalanced. Our Most Revered Gurudeva used to advise us - 'Finite human beings, when they take any decision by their finite intellect and wisdom for their benefit, they commit mistakes and the result is reverse. If we take absolute shelter to the Lotus Feet of Guru-Vaishnavas-Bhagawan, by their grace, light of transcendental knowledge will descend to our heart and solve all problems.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
Live webcast of Srila Gurudev's darsan from Kolkata Math at 7 PM IST on 20th May (Sunday).
Hope to see you in the Videoconference.
Join chat assistance during the conference.
Visit www.sreecgmath.org
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us through Haridas Thakur, japam. If you perform japa you will have mental diversions. But you should perform chanting in the holy company of the suddha-bhaktas. If you chant loudly, you will hear about Krishna – no sounds of this world will come. That is, if always you will be hearing Radha Krishna Radha Krishna Radha Krishna, you will have concentration. For us, loud chanting is recommended:
sei duti katha, bhulo na sarvvatha
uccaihsvare karo harinama, robo phalgu aro yukta
baddha aro mukta, kabhu na bhaavihoekaakaara saobo
Our parama-gurudev (Srila Saraswati Thakur) – his advice, his guidance is that we should loudly chant. Those who do not loudly chant Krishna, that is not correct yukta-vairagya, that is phalgu-vairagya or false renunciation.
If you do not loudly chant the Holy Name, the Holy Name's grace will not come to you – His remembrance will not come to you. So your enjoying spirit, your ulterior motives will not be removed; they will still be there. Outside, you may be saying, "I am a renouncer," – self-denial, but inwardly there will be problems – you are wildly thinking about these objects of sensual enjoyment. This is phalgu-vairagya, false renunciation.
In actual vairagya, you will devote your mind towards Sri Krishna. If you chant loudly, it will be good for you and it will be good for all the other living beings of this world as well. Because the Name and the Named are the same. If you loudly chant, you will have concentration and other living beings will also be able to hear, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna. They have forgotten Krishna and for that reason they have come to this world. When you chant loudly, they may remember it; they may not be able to chant – but they can hear.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
You cannot see the Supreme Lord with these material eyes. 'Sa eva sadhusu krto moksa-dvaram apavrtam.' But, you can see the sadhus. They are moving about, just as you are. You can talk with them; you can exchange thoughts with them. You can behave this way with the sadhus. Then, you will be rescued. You cannot see God. This is true. You are presently giving your attention to your own body and other bodily relations, but you should give your energy for the service of a true devotee, the sadhu, the suddha bhakta. Prasangam: you should associate with them correctly, not superficially, externally. You can associate with the sadhu from here even if the sadhu is in India. India is so many thousands of miles away from the USA. But even from the USA, you can associate with the sadhu in India. The sadhu is thinking about the service of his object of worship: Radha-Govinda-Mahaprabhu. If you follow that thought, even from a great distance, then you are associating with the sadhu. But, remaining in physical proximity to the sadhu does not necessarily imply association. You have gone to the Math and you have slept in the same room, by the side of the sadhu, but you were thinking about something else. The sadhu was thinking about the worship of Sri Krsna but you were thinking about something else. Can you have association with the sadhu like this? We once saw a Babaji Maharaja who was lying on his bed. He had been going from temple to temple, always performing harinama. While he was lying on the bed, we noticed that there were many bugs in it. They were "associating" with Babaji Maharaja. What were they doing? They were sucking his blood! Direct contact! This is not association. There are other kinds of insects, such as lice, who like to remain in the best part of the body: the head. What do they do? By sitting on the head, the best part of the body of the sadhu, they suck his blood. Merely remaining in the vicinity of the sadhu is not sadhu-sanga. The sadhu is thinking about the Supreme Lord and how to serve Him, but I am thinking how to exploit the sadhu. This is not sadhu-sanga. You can have sanga from a distance if the purpose is correct. The end justifies the means. If the end is bad, everything will be bad.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Sincere souls will certainly overcome all difficulties in the long run. Lord Sri Krishna Himself gives assurance in the Gita - na hi kalyana krt kascit durgati gacchati. "A sincere soul will never suffer degradation". When one can really detect one's defects; it is a good sign, because it proves his contact with the real knowledge, however faint it may be, otherwise ignorance cannot be realised as ignorance. So, don't be disheartened. Actually it is not possible for us to eradicate our attachment to wordly objects and ideas which we have inherited through cycles of births and deaths in a day. Those inherited ideas will have their action for sometime through inertia. For example, if we switch off the fan, it still moves for sometime out of inertia, but its speed will be gradually diminished and it will stop. Artificially if we try to control the senses through austerity it won't have abiding effect. In devotional spiritual practice more stress is given to positive practice than to negative i.e., we are to rouse up the eternal natural functions of the real self which is pure love to Supreme Godhead.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Chanting and listening to pastimes of Lord are the limbs of devotion unto Him. The meaning of devotion is 'seva', which is not attained by force. It is not that whatever one speaks becomes bhakti. Only when the Lord accepts our speech it becomes bhakti. If Lord is not satisfied by our chanting or listening then that chanting and listening is not bhakti.
By the sankirtan one gets the benefit to the extent he performs seva. Lord's sight will come automatically on those who serve sadhus. If I love anybody's little child - present him nice dresses, give him nice eatables then it is natural that his parents attention will come towards me. And when one does not love the child instead give him troubles but flatters the child's parents, will the parents become happy? They will understand that he is duplicitous. Likewise, Lord cannot be satisfied by those who pray beautiful hymns to Him but disrespect His pure devotees. He will understand that this person is 'Big false.' All his sadhana, bhajana will be wasted uselessly.
By serving Vaisnavas Lord will be satisfied quickly. To satisfy the Lord easiest way among all is 'Service to Vaisnavas'--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.On Sunday, the 27th day of this month, there will be a videoconference of Srila Gurudev's darsan at 7.00 PM IST from Kolkata Math on www.sreecgmath.org
Please join chat for assistance.
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu preached Bhagavat Dharma – Shuddha Bhakti Dharma and taught the same by practising. Kapil Bhagawan in Srimad Bhagavat, 3rd Canto, clearly pointed out that real quality of a Sadhu is – exclusive, one-pointed devotion to Supreme Lord. Without this no one can become a real Sadhu. Meera Bai has also substantiated this.Last message of Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur to His disciples before disappearance in Baghbazar Gaudiya Math, Calcutta – `With the sole purpose of worshipping Sri Hari we should pull on our life somehow in this most non-eternal world. We should not give up Hari-Bhajan inspite of hundreds of calamities, hundreds of obstacles, hundreds of reproaches and harassments. Don't be disheartened to serve Krishna without deceitfulness seeing majority of the worldly people are not accepting it. Don't give up your worship of Sri Krishna and your spiritual devotional wealth – listening and chanting Krishna-Katha, under any circumstances. Always do Hari-Kirtan with the two qualities of being humbler than a blade of grass and more tolerant than tree… We shall be able to realise Transcendental Delightfulness of service of Sri Krishna when we shall be entitled to do `Aprakrita Harinam', remaining aloof from all attractions and repulsions of this world… All arrangements of this world are extremely momentary. Never we should have indifference to or dislike for Sri Krishna Sankirtan Yajna, which will bestow us all attainments. Shuddha Krishna Bhakti in this world is most scarce as stated in the scriptures. Amongst millions of emancipated souls we will find one Krishna Bhakta. If we want quality, we cannot get quantity.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
The pastimes of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna in the 19th chapter of the Tenth Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, wherein the cows and cowherd boys of Vraja became trapped in a blazing fire in the Munja Forest. As the flames of the forest fire threatened to engulf them, they appealed to Sri Krishna to rescue them. Krishna requested them to close their eyes. Once they closed their eyes, He opened His mouth and swallowed the fire. Our only refuge in this scorching fire of material existence is Supreme Lord Nandanandana Sri Krishna. We are deluded to think that we are ever safe without Him. Simply by trusting Him, as demonstrated by the cowherd boys, shutting their eyes to imminent danger, His devotees are rescued from the relentless flames of the mundane world.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
All other qualities are present in one who has one-pointed devotion to Supreme Lord Sri Krsna. A person who is averse to Sri Krsna, who has no devotion, has no qualities. He is running after worldly things so how can he have any qualities? From where can he get these qualities? Qualities come from God. If you have one-pointed devotion to Sri Krsna, all the qualities will come to you. We think that we have become civilized in this world. How is this civilized? The so-called civilization of this world is a mere hypocrisy. If one acts in a hypocritical manner, exhibiting grand external behavior, then, in the Kali-yuga, that is considered to be civilized. What is this civilization of Kali-yuga? We have something inside. Our behavior shows one thing but in the heart dwells something else. Outwardly, we shake a person's hand, but inwardly we want to kill that person. You will now find this sort of "civilization" in Kali-yuga. You will get actual civilization only from a suddha bhakta--a Vaisnava--who is one in his words and heart. Those who are "avaisnava" (not Vaisnava) behave hypocritically, with deceitfulness, displaying mere etiquette. They have no sincerity.
Take, for example, a small boy. He is very beautiful. As he plays here and there, he smears his body with dust and mud. But still, that boy is giving happiness to his parents. If he is decorated with beautiful clothes, then he becomes even more beautiful to them. But if the life leaves that body, and that dead body is decorated with all the most beautiful garments and ornaments, will that dead body give any happiness to the parents or any other person? All will be afraid at the sight of the dead body. When we do not have one-pointed devotion to Sri Krsna, there is no life in our existence. It is like a lifeless, dead body. By decorating your dead body, you cannot get satisfaction for yourself and you cannot give satisfaction to others. You are lifeless.
When you have one-pointed devotion to Sri Krsna, then actual qualities with intrinsic value will appear. Now, without devotion to the Supreme Lord, whatever qualities you may exhibit have no actual intrinsic value. It is an outward show only. It is not coming from within.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.Most Revered Srila Gurudev is in Kolkata Math, spending time reading and writing articles with intermittent rest. He is enthusiastic than ever to reach Sree Jagannath Dham. One of the sevaks of Srila Gurudev is already in Puri dham to make good arrangements for His Divine Grace's stay there.Meanwhile, on Friday (June 01) and Sunday (June 03), there will be videoconference of Srila Gurudev's darsan on www.sreecgmath.org at 7.10 PM IST.Hope to see your participation. Please join chat during the time of conference for assistance and to know updates, if any.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
One who follows the path of bhagavata dharma has no fear of falling down because the Supreme Lord Himself is his savior and sustainer. "na skhalet patet iha": Even while walking with one's eyes closed, one will not slip or fall. But one needs some courage to follow the path of bhagavata dharma.
Here, whatever you speak using your tongue, whatever you think using your mind, and whatever you do using your senses should all be done in relationship to the Supreme Lord. "Narayana - iti samarpayet", everything should be offered to Narayana; everything should be done for Narayana.
Bhagavata dharma demands full surrender. If we do not offer our mind, senses, and sense objects to the Supreme Knowable Truth, Saccidananda Sri Krishna, we will leave behind our highest good and go towards the non-eternal. We will then become more entangled in the temporary world.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
__._,_.___Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
It is inappropriate for a Vaishnava to think in mundane terms of friend or enemy according to the bodily conception of life. Realized souls do not conceive of friends or enemies in the same way that ordinary, materialistic persons do. The impetus for action for the suddha bhakta is quite different from that of the materialist. Kashyapa Muni, acting as his wife's guru, gave her a strict vrata (vow) to follow for one year by the calculation of the demigods, after which she was blessed by the appearance of perfectly proportioned, yet tiny, Lord Vamanadeva. The sadhu is always thinking of everyone's welfare and he always craves the association of his beloved object of bhajana. The exoteric reason for the appearance of Lord Krishna as Vamanadeva might have been to remove the demonic hordes from the heavenly planets, but the esoteric reason was to satisfy the desire of the suddha bhakta. When one cooks some foodstuff, which is the primary purpose of cooking, a secondary action (the burning of fuel in the cooking process) automatically takes place. The primary purpose in the prayers of a suddha bhakta is to have the association of the Supreme Lord due to extreme separation grief, as in the case of the great devotee sage Kashyapa. By the appearance of the Supreme Lord as Vamanadeva to alleviate His pure devotee's intense feelings of separation and longing, the secondary or auxiliary purpose, the reinstatement of the demigods in the heavenly planets, was also automatically accomplished. We need to purify or sanctify the heart so that Krishna can take His rightful seat there.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Tulasi Dasa says "binu hari krpa milahin nahin santa." And the other side of this is, "bina santa krpa milahin nahin hari." In other words, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, one gets a sadhu, and by the grace of the sadhu, one gets the Supreme Lord. Both are interrelated. You see, Dhruva's mother told him to chant the Name of the Supreme Lord with faith, even though she was not a saint. Yes, she was a patha-pradarsaka guru, not a tattvika guru or srotriya brahmanistha guru. What happened by that? Dhruva started calling out for the Lord with faith and as a result, he got a sadhu - he met Narada Goswami. Then Narada Goswami gave him a mantra and taught him the process of bhajan. Shortly after that, Dhruva obtained the Supreme Lord. So the conclusion is that one first gets a suddha bhakta or guru by the mercy of Sri Hari, and then one gets Sri Hari by the mercy of guru.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
__._,_.___Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
On Sunday, June 10, 2012, there will be video conference of Srila Gurudev's darsan from Kolkata Math at 7.10 PM IST on www.sreecgmath.org.
Hope to see you.
Join chat for assistance during the conference time.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Many people say that they don't believe in any religion. However, on taking a closer look, we can see that there is no one in this world who does not believe in religion.
To those who say that they don't believe in any religion, I would like to ask, don't they believe in the body's religion of eating, drinking, sleeping and evacuating? Don't they believe in the religion of the mind? They may say that they don't believe in the religion of the soul. How can they believe in it? They don't even know what it is. However, don't they want to live forever? Do they want to remain fools? Don't they want knowledge? Don't they want happiness?
This is called sat, cit and ananda in the language of the scriptures. To desire sat-cit-ananda and to serve Him is the religion of the soul. Living beings, parts of the marginal potency of the all-powerful Supreme Lord, are also atomic sat-cit-ananda while the Supreme Lord is infinite sat-cit-ananda. So, whether directly or indirectly, everyone desires the sat-cit-ananda Supreme Lord. Those who call themselves atheists do not know that they also desire to attain sat-cit-ananda. However, it will be impossible to attain sat, cit and complete ananda on the path that they are following.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
We should always remember Nrsimhadeva. Nrsimhadeva kills Hiranyakasipu. Who is Hiranyakasipu? "Hiranya" means wealth and "kasipu" means bed--sexual desire. So "Hiranyakasipu" means "those who have desire for wealth and sex and also for name and fame". Such persons cannot get Krsna. So, Hiranyakasipu is within us. Externally, we may see a demon, but that demon is also residing within ourselves. That demon should be killed! Then you can go to Krsna. There is also one-pointed, causeless, eternal devotion residing within our real selves. That is called "Prahlada". Nrsimha Bhagavan will remove all ulterior motives from our hearts. He will kill Hiranyakasipu and enhance Prahlada. So we should remember Lord Nrsimhadeva.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!Revered Vaishnavas,Dandavat Pranams.Upcoming videoconferences in this week are as below.Live Harikatha14 June @ 7.30 PM IST on the auspicious disappearance of Srila Srivas Pandit.Live English interpretation on a different channel.Live Darsan15 June @ 7.15 PM IST on the holy Yogini Ekadasi.Please visit www.sreecgmath.orgSree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,Dandavat Pranams.The following message originally posted in the News and Events section in www.sreecgmath.org:The countdown for the Annual Cart Festival of Sree Jaganathdev has begun. The Lord is currently exhibiting the pastimes of ill-health due to excessive bath on the day of snan-yatra. That means devotees will not have His darsan until the 21st of this month. That makes them all the more restless to have His darsan and cannot wait for the event when He is crowned and throned on the Cart.
With only less than a week remaining before the devotees from Kolkata and other places travel to Sri Puri Dham, the enthusiasm is at peak. The nearer it approaches the more enthusiastic they become. But more eager than ever and more enthusiastic than anybody else is Our Most Revered Gurudev. For Him the countdown has begun a month ago when He called the in-charge of Puri Math and found out the subject matters for evening religious assemblies between 18 and 20 June. He is very enthusiastic and keen to speak Harikatha on all the three days. Haribol!!!!!! That makes His Divine Grace's schedule even more packed - He will reach in the evening on 17th; will speak Harikatha on 18, 19 and 20; will have darsan of Ratha-yatra on 21; will give Harinam initiation on 22 and will most likely set to Bhubaneshwar on 23rd or in the morning on 24th to take flight to Kolkata on that day. In the hindsight, the general darsan on the 20th of June, as announced before, will get affected. Devotees reaching Puri are requested to take a note of this and plan accordingly.
We are trying to find a good internet connection in Puri dham for the webcast on all the three days. However, we are facing some limitations - (1) Puri is a small town and (2) during the Ratha-yatra days all the bandwidth (whatever available) will be used by TV channels and other media coverage. We will try to fight these challenges but cannot promise a very good webcast. We will try our best to give you a good audio at the least. We'll make announcement on the website after we reach there and study the situation. Please keep visiting the website more regularly during those days as we may not find time or circumstances for a well planned announcements. The religious assemblies will be in the evening at 7.30 PM IST everyday for all the three days.
Jai Baladev!
Jai Subhadra!
Jai Jagannath!
Jai Jai Jai Gurudev!!!!!
Sree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Acts or works which are executed with the desire to obtain results for oneself are known as karma. Acts which are directed toward God without desire for results for oneself are known as bhakti. Good works, in and of themselves, will not be sufficient to bring about realization of God. However, when performed with the intent to serve God, then He can be realized. Likewise, jnana (cultivation of knowledge), in and of itself, will not reveal God. The cultivation of knowledge aligned with the desire to serve God will bring about realization of Him. If one proclaims himself to be a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian, these things can be changed. By altering one's mode of dress, language or rituals, a Muslim can become a Christian, etc. However, the essential element which lies at the root of these different faiths is devotion to God. Whether one is a Hindu, a Jew, or whatever, to claim to be religious must surely mean that one is a servant of God. This fact cannot be changed. In Sanskrit this is known as sanatana-dharma. Sanatana means "eternal" and dharma, in this context, means "that activity which is intrinsic to one's very existence," just as heat is an intrinsic quality of fire. What is the nature of that activity? That one is eternally serving. Service is not something we can choose to do or not do. Where is the living being who is not serving? One serves one's employer, one's parents, one's children, husband, wife, pets, and even inanimate things such as cars, etc. From birth to death, service is there. The choice which we can make, however, is who or what is to be the object of our service. Krishna is the only true object of service. Krishna eternally exists and the jivatmas also eternally exist. The relationship between them also eternally exists. Bhakti, or sanatana-dharma, is the link between God and His devotees. Love of God is independent of caste, color, or creed. Sincerity of heart is the only requirement.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.
Srila Guru Maharaj will speak Harikatha for three consecutive days starting from 18 June 2012 in Sree Puri Dham. We plan to webcast the Harikathas along with English translation during these days at 7.45 PM IST on www.sreecgmath.org . The subject matters of Harikatha are
18 June: Teachings of Sree Bhagavad Gita
19 June: Glories of Holy Name
20 June: Sree Baladev Tattva.
Please join chat for assistance during Video conference.
Sree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
Hare Krishna,
Kindly note that since we have some technical problem with the chat application we had been using all these days during videoconference, for today's webcast we shall be using www.tinychat.com/scgmath for chat assistance.
Also, be informed that click on 'chat assistance' will not take you to this webpage. You need to enter this URL manually to enter chat.
Sorry for the last minute notice and inconvenience caused.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad DasSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Chanting of the Holy Name avoiding tenfold offences in the company of Suddha Bhaktas (Pure devotees) is the only way to get emancipation from miseries of the world and to get Absolute Bliss.
We should chant the Holy Name of Sri Krishna or Glories of Sri Krishna, His Name, Form, Attributes and Pastimes with the fourfold divine qualities—being humbler than blade of grass, more forbearing than tree, having no desire for name and fame, but according due respect to all.
Any serious endeavour for eternal devotional benefit will be successful, if it is done by invoking grace of Divine Master, Revered Vaishnavas and Supreme Lord for the purpose of propitiating Them only and not for any other purpose. Any desire for mundane name and fame or for any other ulterior motive will frustrate our devotional, spiritual life. We should remember the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu- "Trinadapi Suneechena, Tarorapi Sahisnuna, Amanina Manadena Kirtanya Sada Hari."
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
We do not know when we have become averse to God - to our Supreme Master Sri Krishna. We do not find any date here. We have forgotten our relation with Sri Krishna from time immemorial. When we became averse to Sri Krishna by misuse of our relative independence, the illusory energy (external material energy) of Sri Krishna enveloped us and since then we have been passing through innumerable cycles of births and deaths.We reap the fruits of our own good and bad deeds. We should not blame others for the afflictions we get due to our own Karma. Others may be instrumental, but not the cause. The result of Karma (Prarabdha Karma) which has started should be suffered or enjoyed — whether he is an ascetic or a householder.
Only Shudhabhakti or suddha Nam can destroy the fruits of even Prarabdha-Karma.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami MaharajSree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.Srila Gurudev arrived in Kolkata safely from Puri dham on 24th of this month. Currently, He is exhibiting pastimes of good health.In Puri, Srila Gurudev's schedule was jam-packed -- Harikatha on 3 days, darsan to devotees, attending Rathayatra and Harinam initiations -- all in the span of 6 days. We tried to webcast the Harikathas on all the 3 days but due to poor internet connectivity we could neither provide you seamless video nor audio nor both. We deeply apologize for the same. However, we have now uploaded the audio of Harikatha spoken on all the 3 days on www.sreecgmath.org . Those who are conversant with Indian language can listen to the audio. For others, we will try to provide translation at a later stage.
Photographs captured on the day of Srila Gurudev's arrival in Puri and memories from bygone years are uploaded in the pictures section.
Links to audio files below.
Sri Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das.__._,_.___Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareMARKETPLACE.![]()


- JESUCRITO I - viernes 13 de enero de 2012
- Mundo Religioso 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Mundo Religioso 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Mitología Universal 1 (Asturiana) - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- El Narrador de Cuentos - UNO - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- El Narrador de Cuentos - DOS - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Las Plantas Medicinales 1 (Teoría) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Plantas Medicinales 1 y 2 (Visión de las Plantas) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 1 - viernes 6 de enero de 2012
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 2 - sábado 7 de enero de 2012

- KRSNA - RAMA - VISHNU - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- Gopal Krishna Movies - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- Yamuna Devi Dasi - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA I - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA II - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA III - martes 17 de abril de 2012
- KUMBHA MELA - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- AVANTIKA DEVI DASI - NÉCTAR BHAJANS - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- GANGA DEVI MATA - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SLOKAS y MANTRAS I - lunes 13 de febrero de 2012
- GAYATRI & SHANTI MANTRAS - martes 14 de febrero de 2012
- Lugares Sagrados de la India 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Devoción - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 1 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 3 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 4 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduría de los Maestros 5 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Universalidad 1 - miércoles 4 de enero de 2012
- Biografía de los Clasicos Antiguos Latinos 1 - viernes 30 de diciembre de 2011
- Swami Premananda - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Emperadores Romanos I - domingo 1 de enero de 2012

- Ajenaton, momias doradas, Hatshepsut, Cleopatra - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012
La Bíblia

- El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011

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