There are about 1200 devotees here in Govardhan and more coming everyday. The temple room is packed during class with devotees pushed out on to the balcony, they are practically hanging off the walls! The devotees are getting a darshan of Srila Gurudeva everyday on the TV screen morning and evening. However what they are all hankering for is a personal darshan, a view of him in his spiritualized form. Well today they got their chance!
It appears that the Chinese Massage and the Physio-therapy is giving Srila Gurudeva a boost because he got into his wheel chair today and came to the door to give the devotees an up close and personal darshan. It was spiritual mayhem as the word spread that Srila Gurudeva was there at the door in the wheelchair. Devotees were excitedly rushing to the door to see Srila Gurudeva. But amazingly no one rushed or pushed so hard that anyone was hurt that I know of. It was so sweet for so many of the devotees who came from distant parts of the world to see Srila Gurudeva for the first time. It was a great and wonderful event.
Some one asked me online before how we had understood the position and activity of the Tumor as I expressed it in my last report. So here is the information I based it on for those who are wondering.
As far as whether the Tumor has spread or not I based my statement on the assessment of Srila Gurudevas Disciple who is an Oncologist, which is a cancer specialist. She has been dealing with cancer patients for over 20 years. She said when the cancer spreads to other organs it presents symptoms which you can see clearly. She said it is her opinion that since Srila Gurudeva is not presenting these symptoms that the cancer has not spread. As far as the softness of the Tumor the Ayurvedic Doctors pulse reading and Chinese doctors pulse reading and the physical examination of Brajesh and others all come up with the same conclusion that the tumor is soft. Based on these things I made the statement in the previous post that the Tumor is soft and it has not spread to other parts of the body.
There is a rip roaring Kirtan going on in the temple room after the Arotika which has everyone dancing and shouting for joy. Hundreds of devotees are all joined in the kirtan from all over the world. You can also do Kirtan where you are and feel the ecstasy of Guru and Krishnas presence always. Srila Gurudeva is working his magic on us and making us dance and sing and chant with abandon. JAI SRILA GURUDEVA KI JAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Uncle
Bhagavat Swami
(BV Bhagavat Maharaja)
Update from Govardhan, November 11th
Dear devotees,
Please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to Srila Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. All glories to Sri Sri Radha-Vinodehariji.
Srila Gurudeva rested better last night than the night before, although there was some difficulty during the early evening. For some reason, there was no darshan on the large screen this morning. Srila Gurudeva had some difficulty with digestion during the day.
Actually the impression we got from the darshans on the large screen (Srila Gurudeva lying or sitting motionless) has not been representative of Srila Gurudeva’s activity. Practically every day he has a light oil massage, and sits in the sun in his chair. Today he was also walking a little.
This evening, there was tremendous excitement. Srila Gurudeva was in his wheel chair at the door of his room. For many devotees, it was the first time they had had his physical darshan.
A new doctor has started giving Srila Gurudeva treatment, a Chinese doctor who does acupressure. This doctor gives very light energetic taps, and Srila Gurudeva has responded positively. There are also some plans to give some new foods to increase nourishment.
On the whole it seems that Srila Gurudeva had decided to come to Govardhan to leave, but now his decision may not be so final, seeing that his disciples so much want him to stay. We can pray to Giriraja Govardhan for Srila Gurudeva’s health and strength, and pray to Srila Gurudeva to stay with us.
Aspiring for service to Sri Hari, Guru and Vaishnavas,
B V Nemi
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