Dear devotees,
Please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to Srila Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. All glories to Sri Sri Radha-Vinodebihariji.

Recent picture of Srila Gurudeva by Pandita didi
Today is Ekadasi, and Srila Gaura-Kisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja’s Disappearance Day. It is also the first day of Bhishma-pancakam. I do not have so much news today, but the general trend is good. Srila Gurudeva spoke with devotees this morning. He was very “present” with them and spoke in a strong voice. Later he became a little indisposed, and then said that he wanted to rest. Later he took part in his normal routine, but he did not sit out in the sun, because it is very cloudy today. (Yesterday we even had some rain at Varshana.) At present he is “peaceful”.
Devotees in the team around Srila Gurudeva have related conversations that clearly show that Srila Gurudeva wants to be cured, and is also concerned with practical arrangements. This mood is quite different from the mood of a few days ago. Srila Gurudeva is a transcendental personality. He is capable of making so many arrangements himself, and he has on occasion stated that he can cure himself. At the same time, it appears that he accepts the influence of Yogamaya to make arrangements and situations, to which he submits. Thus, sometimes it appears that there are two wills at work: the will of the Lord and Srila Gurudeva’s will. How these two wills interact with each other is a deep mystery to me.
We continue to pray to Giriraja Govardhan for Srila Gurudeva’s health and strength.
Aspiring for service Sri Hari, Guru and Vaishnavas,
B V Nemi
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